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Your 4needs upgraded video card CD-ROM." f"OK" discover scroll down scroll up save page tbk_backdrop buttonClick buttonStillDown enterPage reader buttonClick textOverFlow " = 0 enabled " + 1 B"up" notifyAfter " = 0 " = 0 buttonClick buttonStillDown enterPage reader buttonClick " <> 0 " - 1 enabled B"down" textUnderFlow " = 0 notifyBefore " = 0 " = 0 buttonClick buttonClick enterpage moved tbk_reset buttonDown buttonUp buttonClick buttonDoubleClick rightButtonDown rightButtonUp rightButtonClick rightButtonClick rightButtonDoubleClick -- This was added your Hthe MTB40.SBK sysbook -- It used define 'behavior backdrops notifybefore "0,0" "0,0" moved ssm = sysSuspendMessages notifyBefore tbk_reset buttonClick rightButtonClick .'+ +F Save this screen in file Page added to file Could not create file Could not write to save page c:\grtlakes.doc buttonClick buttonClick "="" --- "title" fileName = "c:\grtlakes.doc" ("Save screen --Checks that the pexists can be opened --If doesn't 5, create (which also opens "Could " && & "." xwrite "Page added box 6.8 Zones of Priority Intervention (ZIPs) along the St. Lawrence and the Saguenay The ZIP program, which in many ways is similar to the RAP program, started in 1988-1989 as two separate but parallel initiatives. Strategy St. Lawrence was a public action program undertaken by a number of nongovernmental organizations and coordinated by the Union Quebecoise pour la conservation de la nature. Its main objective was the cleanup of 22 sites contaminated by industrial wastes. The other was the commitment of the governments of Canada and Quebec under the St. Lawrence Action Plan to clean, conserve, and restore the river. In 1990, with the goal of harmonizing the two programs, the governments of Canada and Quebec began to prepare state of the environment reports for the 23 ZIPs. In 1992 and 1993, the nongovernmental organizations and the two governments jointly organized consultations to present and discuss the state of the environment reports and define priorities. Priorities were to be based on local perceptions of problems, aided by the state of the environment reports. In 1993, with St. Lawrence Vision 2000, the second phase of the St. Lawrence Action Plan, a specific program was created to foster public participation in its objectives. An agreement was reached between Strat gie Saint-Laurent Inc., a nongovernmental organization, and the two governmental partners of St. Lawrence Vision 2000 to participate jointly in the ZIP program. One consequence of the two earlier parallel programs is that the boundaries used for the state of the environment reports (13 reports grouping 23 ZIPs) and the territory claimed by individual ZIP committees do not coincide. The ZIP program consists of three main components: state of the environment reporting, consultation, and an action plan. The chief roles of the partners are as follows: the governments produce the state of the environment reports, provide technical assistance to Strat gie Saint-Laurent and the local ZIP committees, and fund specific activities on an annual basis. Strat gie Saint-Laurent is responsible for the creation of the ZIP committees and the coordination of their activities; it acts as the official interface between the governments and the public. The ZIP committee is the local focal point, organizing the consultation activities and the preparation of an action plan for future interventions, based on priorities identified locally. The ZIP committee is made up of representatives from a broad cross-section of the population; everyone is invited to participate, and there are no predetermined seats, the whole process being open to any participant willing to help move priority cases into action. As of 1996, state of the environment reports have been prepared for 10 ZIP areas, 9 ZIP committees have been formed, consultations have been completed for 7 ZIPs, and action plans have been defined in 2. It is estimated that all action plans will be completed by the year 2000..................................................... .'+ +F .'+ +F box 6.4 box6-4.tbk anypage myPath buttonClick buttonClick myPath "anypage" currentPage "box 6.4" = & "box6-4.tbk") %modal .'+ +F .'+ +F box 6.2 box6-2.tbk anypage myPath buttonClick buttonClick myPath "anypage" currentPage "box 6.2" = & "box6-2.tbk") %modal .'+ +F .'+ +F boxes.tbk box6.2a anypage myPath buttonClick buttonClick myPath "anypage" currentPage "box6.2a" = & "boxes.tbk") %modal 9706180924022154258140236894 ASYM_TpID Backdrop _tbk_LockMove show1 backtrack buttonClick buttonClick close Backtrack print aName = "nine" Field enterPage reader tbk_reset enterPage reader save page Zones of Priority Intervention (ZIPs) along the St. Lawrence and the Saguenay The ZIP program, which in many ways is similar to the RAP program, started in 1988-1989 as two separate but parallel initiatives. Strategy St. Lawrence was a public action program undertaken by a number of nongovernmental organizations and coordinated by the Union Quebecoise pour la conservation de la nature. Its main objective was the cleanup of 22 sites contaminated by industrial wastes. The other was the commitment of the governments of Canada and Quebec under the St. Lawrence Action Plan to clean, conserve, and restore the river. In 1990, with the goal of harmonizing the two programs, the governments of Canada and Quebec began to prepare state of the environment reports for the 23 ZIPs. In 1992 and 1993, the nongovernmental organizations and the two governments jointly organized consultations to present and discuss the state of the environment reports and define priorities. Priorities were to be based on local perceptions of problems, aided by the state of the environment reports. In 1993, with St. Lawrence Vision 2000, the second phase of the St. Lawrence Action Plan, a specific program was created to foster public participation in its objectives. An agreement was reached between Strat gie Saint-Laurent Inc., a nongovernmental organization, and the two governmental partners of St. Lawrence Vision 2000 to participate jointly in the ZIP program. One consequence of the two earlier parallel programs is that the boundaries used for the state of the environment reports (13 reports grouping 23 ZIPs) and the territory claimed by individual ZIP committees do not coincide. The ZIP program consists of three main components: state of the environment reporting, consultation, and an action plan. The chief roles of the partners are as follows: the governments produce the state of the environment reports, provide technical assistance to Strat gie Saint-Laurent and the local ZIP committees, and fund specific activities on an annual basis. Strat gie Saint-Laurent is responsible for the creation of the ZIP committees and the coordination of their activities; it acts as the official interface between the governments and the public. The ZIP committee is the local focal point, organizing the consultation activities and the preparation of an action plan for future interventions, based on priorities identified locally. The ZIP committee is made up of representatives from a broad cross-section of the population; everyone is invited to participate, and there are no predetermined seats, the whole process being open to any participant willing to help move priority cases into action. As of 1996, state of the environment reports have been prepared for 10 ZIP areas, 9 ZIP committees have been formed, consultations have been completed for 7 ZIPs, and action plans have been defined in 2. It is estimated that all action plans will be completed by the year 2000. save page 9707231406059651623191203060 ASYM_TpID